Monday, July 09, 2007

Spanish for GU

I rarely if ever run twice in a day, but I did yesterday. First, a spectacularly unimpressive series of walk-run-walk in 95 degree noon-time heat, hobbling together about 6 miles. But at least I did run up the last big hill. I was so unimpressive I had to try again later at 8:30. It was fantastic--running as it is meant to be: a bit hard, a challenge, but completely doable and free. The difference between day and night was one of a) a rainstorm and a drop of 25 degrees; b) a semi-full stomach of enchiladas; or c) I popped one of Nancy's multi-vitamins. I'm going with the enchiladas. In fact, I should carry enchiladas with me on my runs from now on.


IHateToast said...

enchiladas are okay. do NOT have curry. but if you do learn to run with curry inside of you, you'll be well trained never to take a loo break.

how about enchiladas filled with mallowfluff and covered in The Sauce? that'll carry you through.

Toasty said...

how many can you fit in a water bottle? ... i'm guessing 3