Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lego Running

I didn't run yesterday, or the day before that. Instead, Nancy, Max and I sat around shooting rubber bands at helpless Lego guys. Then, Max took some actions shots of the, well, action. You can see Lego guy, whom I call Bob and Max calls Jim Finkelstein, leaning forward, ready to take the hit:

Then immediately after.

And finally the aftermath, complete with Bear cheering and Nancy's friend Lauren looking on. What this has to do with running, I'm not so sure.

1 comment:

IHateToast said...

you need days like today. or was it yesterday. shouldn't use words like today and yesterday on blogs i guess.

i shoot rubber bands over the cubicles at work. i'd be a better hit if i had practiced more as a kid

i didn't run today. more because i donated blerd yessiddy and spent 5 hours at a pet expo today. i'm feral. tomorrow we both run, tay?